Tuesday, December 24, 2019

So Mexicans Are Taking Jobs From Americans By Jimmy...

Jimmy Santiago Baca wrote the poem, â€Å"So Mexicans are Taking Jobs from Americans,† in 1977. Baca wrote this piece while incarcerated in prison, there he learned how to read a write. Since the early 1900’s America saw an extreme increase in the amount of Mexicans crossing the border. Although most have a good intention of coming to America, the road to the â€Å"dream† is paved with many hardships. In America currently we see an influx of Mexicans crossing the border, the effect of this occurrence however, might be the true controversy. After seeking residence to stay afloat Mexicans must find some source of income, but they may unintentionally be causing more and more Americans too loose out on jobs. Still, are these jobs we want? The ease of the risk of crossing the border raises eyebrows for many living in the States; maybe Mexicans are not the only to blame in this society. Through an extensive use of imagery, Baca strengthens his underlying theme; every s ituation has multiple viewpoints. Baca’s poem criticizes the way in which Americans treat immigrant workers. The first stanzas of the poem discuss how Americans perceive Mexicans. Then in the fifth stanza an asthmatic leader describes Mexicans as â€Å"taking our jobs.† The poem goes on to say the only violence imposed is by the whites, and that Mexicans are too poor and weak to truly pose any threat. Near the end the poet describes the Americans as comfortable, where as the Mexicans struggle to barely get by. The final stanzaShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of So Mexicans are Taking Jobs from Americans by Jimmy Santiago Baca 912 Words   |  4 PagesSo Mexicans are Taking Jobs from Americans In â€Å"So Mexicans are Taking Jobs from Americans,† Jimmy Santiago Baca defends and shuts down the stereotype of Mexican workers. Many Americans hold resentment towards Mexicans presence in the work force, and believe that they are taking jobs away. However, many Americans don’t realize that these Mexican workers fill jobs that others do not want and are usually paid less than an American would be paid. In the beginning of the poem Baca addresses the AmericanRead MoreSo Mexicans Are Taking Jobs From Americans By Jimmy Santiago Baca Summary1289 Words   |  6 PagesIn â€Å"So Mexicans are Taking Jobs from Americans,† Jimmy Santiago Baca defends Mexicans against the opinion many Americans have about them filling in jobs they do not want such as hard-working labor in the fields. However, many Americans don’t realize that these Mexican workers are usually paid less than an American would be paid. In the beginning of the poem Baca addresses the American ste reotype of Mexicans taking jobs from Americans in a very sarcastic manner. He continues by saying that MexicansRead MoreEssay about When Are Immigrants Americans Too?580 Words   |  3 Pagesthe reasons Immigrants come to America. I will also discuss both their views of themselves and how Americans view them. The question I pose to answer throughout this paper is When will Immigrants not be Immigrants anymore and become Americans? So why do people come to America from other countries? Hugo Ortega, arrived in Texas in 1982 from Mexico. He worked his way from dishwashing jobs and briefly living on the streets to being named Chef of the Year at the 2002 Houston Culinary AwardsRead MoreEssay on Short Stories and Poetry2319 Words   |  10 PagesRobinson’s tragic poem â€Å"Richard Cory† (p. 1073). â€Å"Richard Cory† is about a man who the whole town admires, is seen as a total gentleman and is exceedingly wealthy. The poem is told, like â€Å"A Rose for Emily,† from the point of view of the townspeople. When reading â€Å"Richard Cory† the reader can become so closely involved in the poem that he or she becomes one of the townspeople. Robinson’s use of first person compels the reader to feel the admiration of the townspeople when they see Richard Cory, their misery

Monday, December 16, 2019

Classroom Observation Report Free Essays

INTRODUCTION The school that we have chosen for our classroom observation is SMK Mutiara Rini which is situated at Jalan Persiaran Utama, Taman Mutiara Rini, Skudai Johor Bahru. This school consists of 2250 students from various level of proficiency. We have decided to observe Miss Niwashini Nambiar d/o Aravindan whom are one of our group mates for this classroom observation assignment. We will write a custom essay sample on Classroom Observation Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now Miss Niwashini Nambiar has been teaching English language for both lower and upper secondary for three years. We observed the lower secondary group students whom are in form 2 UKM. There are 32 students in 2 UKM and their English language proficiency level is intermediate. TEACHING METHODOLOGY Before we went to observe Miss Niwashini, we already prepared an observation checklist to make sure that by the end of the observation, we will be able to discuss on the methodology used by the teacher during teaching and learning session. Throughout the lesson, we observed that the teacher minimized the use of mother tongue. She only used it when it was the last resort to make the students understand a particular term or word used during the lesson. The teaching techniques were organized for learners to learn communicative function. During the set induction for example, the teacher came out with something that triggered students’ prior knowledge, thus we can see that the students were mostly eager to speak and participate in the conversation. This is parallel with the principle underpinning Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) where according to Brown (2001), CLT involves the use of language productively and receptively where the teacher facilitates and guides the learners to practice language skills in the classroom. For the activities chosen by the teacher during the lesson, we observed that it involved real life communication and also rich mix of classroom activities were implemented, where group work, pair work were all integrated during the lesson. For the group work activity, it allows the students to interact with one another, even some of them still communicate using their mother tongue but, we observed that some of them did tried to use English as much as they can. The lesson was not focused mainly on the form of language but its function as well, where the teacher tried to make the students able to use the target language using the activities done during the lesson. We found that the set induction as well as the activities conducted by the teacher bounded to what has been suggested by Larsen-Freeman (2000) that true communicative activities have three main features: information gap, choice and feedback, using authentic material in a small group activities. By taking the first activity conducted for example, where the students get into a group of five, it applied task-based learning which the students need to complete the task at the same time used the target language and the language acquisition will eventually happen. Another thing that we observed during the class lesson was that the teacher’s goal of teaching was to develop students’ communicative competence. The opportunities for the students to develop fluency and accuracy were provided by the teacher especially when the students were given a chance to present their work to the class and they got to receive feedback from peers as well as from the teacher. Parrish (2004) advocates that in CLT class, teacher’s role is mainly as facilitator to guide the students in the interaction that takes place during teaching and learning session. This can be seen throughout the lesson, where Miss Niwashini did not dominated the lesson and the students’ speaking time is maximized by being the main communicator in classroom. From what we have observed, we can conclude Miss Niwashini had integrated Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in her teaching and learning session where she had emphasized on the communication in real-life situation to deliver the lesson. In this report, we also included her lesson plan for that particular lesson to give a clearer view on her teaching and learning session that day. As what is believed by Mustapha ; Yahaya (2013) that the successful implementation of CLT in English language teaching depends largely on the teacher’s understanding. We can say that Miss Niwashini’s lesson truly has almost all the beliefs under CLT which it was reflected through the way she conducted her lesson in the classroom. This can be seen from her methods and techniques applied during the lesson, the way she designed the activities for her students and the materials used for the activities. LESSON PLANCLASS TIME DURATION ATTENDANCE SUBJECT DAY DATE2UKM 2.20 pm- 3.20 pm 60 M32/32 ENGLISH THURSDAY 5/4/2018LESSON [LESSON 23] LANGUAGE AWARENESS NON-TEXTBOOK BASED LESSONMAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS SPEAKING , READING ; WRITINGTHEME PEOPLE AND CULTURE TOPIC LIVE WELL(HEBAT)LANGUAGE FOCUS Vocabulary related to the topic the health.CONTENT STANDARD Main Skill Writing 4.1Communicate intelligibly through print and digital media on familiar topics.Complementary Skill READING 3.1Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies to construct meaning.LEARNING STANDARD Main Skill Writing 4.1.5Connect sentences into two coherent paragraphs or more using basic coordinating conjunctions and pronounsComplementary Skill READING 3.1.1Use with some support familiar print and digital resources to check meaning.LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, students should be able to :Create a balanced meal.Identify healthy and unhealthy foods in each of the food groups.SUCCESS CRITERIA At the end of the lesson, students will be able to :Create a balanced meal and explain about the meal with accurate pronunciation based on the given reading text.REFERENCES Access to bilingual dictionaries. CROSS CURRICULAR ELEMENT Technology EducationHOTS Analyzing and Applying MORAL VALUES GratitudeI-THINK Double Bubble Map PAK-21 Round table activity.ACTIVITIESPRE- LESSON LESSON DEVELOPMENT POST- LESSONGreet the students and introduce the topic â€Å"Balanced Meal† for the students.Teacher asks the students at random what do they really understand with the phrase â€Å"Balanced diet† Students will provide the examples of healthy and Unhealthy food. Students will get into group of 5.Students are assigned to create their own balanced meal.They should create a menu card based on the balanced meal that they are going to create. In groups, students are required to explain about the meal that they have created with accurate pronunciation.ASSESSMENT Worksheets REFLECTIONSCLASS : 2UKM 32/32 students able to answer random questions given by their respective teacher. The students able to provide a list of healthy and unhealthy food based on the alphabet shown by their teacher on the whiteboard. Apart from that, students able to identify and classify the healthy and unhealthy food shown by the teacher through random pictures. Students able to create a menu card based on the balanced meal for obesity patients via group work. Students able to present their work within the given time frame and only used English fully throughout the entire lesson. REFERENCES Brown, H. D. (2001). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (2nd Ed.). New York: Longman.Larsen-Freeman, D. (2000). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (2nd Ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Parrish, B. (2004). Teaching Adult ESL: A Practical Introduction. 3L Journal of Language Teaching 3(103-109). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Mustapha, S. T. ; Yahaya, R. A. (2013). Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in Malaysian Context: It’s Implementation in Selected Community Colleges. Social and Behavioral Sciences 90(788-794). Malaysia: Universiti Teknologi MARA. How to cite Classroom Observation Report, Essays

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Challenges Amazon’s Employee Recruitment †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Challenges Amazons Employee Recruitment. Answer: Introduction As the job market continues to grow, diversity of job seekers grow in return calling for selective recruitment by organizations (Al-Kassem, 2017). Most organizations fail to achieve their objectives when a wrong selection of employees therefore, it is a major challenge for most of the todays business that aims at growing and managing their cost at the same time. Most companies, therefore always tend to look for diversified qualified employees that are able to generate constructive ideas and create productivity of the organization. To acquire sufficient, qualified persons to work in a particular organization employers always depend on proper and effective process (Munstemann, 2014). The effective process must follow specific stages and laid channels such as determining the current and future human resource requirement, identification the potential human resource pool and the competition (Corin Bjork, 2016). Most of online companies such Amazon faces a number of challenges during their employees recruitment process (Holm, 2014).Amazon an American E-commerce that started in 1994 is growing globally There are primary factors that influence recruitment of workforce are such as economic factors, technological change, educational background, the lifestyle of workers, demographic changes and financial factors that influence the choice of the employees in the labor market and mobility ,analyzing and evaluating job to identify individual aspects that are suitable for creating jobs, determination of the organization ability to sustain the recruits and the documentation (de Chaves et al., 2017). However, the process in Amazon E-commerce faces the following challenges; high number of online applicants, undecided employees, demographic issues and unavailability of face-face communication during interview. High number of online applicants Many e-commerce organizations tend to hire individuals that are computer literate and software developers (Banerjee, 2016). Amazon is an internet-oriented company faces challenges of the overwhelming number of forwarded resumes. A large number of resumes tend to reduce the speed of short listing hence making the recruitment process to consume much longer time than expected. A large number of resumes tend to lock out some potential applicants such as those that demand confidentiality due to the inadequate screening process carried by some. The discrimination and the long process tend to make Amazon loose potential candidates to competitors. Undecided employees The constant changing economy makes most people look for more avenues to curb their economic crisis, making constant job changes that satisfy their needs hence making many employees to change jobs (Hallberg, 2011). The job unsatisfactory, forces continuous change of job, making the organizations to lose talented employees hence, calls for frequent recruitment process. Most of the employees will find a better paying job in the e-commerce organizations and may not feel contented due to a number of factors such geographical distances, the changing social life and the technological changes. These constant changes forces Amazon to offer extra cost on training the new recruits. Demographic issues Research shows that there is an increase in the rate of the aging of the workforce and lack of leaders development to take over the roles makes the recruitment to be more challenging(Madichie Nyakango, 2016). In the Amazon Company, most of the leaders are of age between 25 years of age and above because they are the most considered as the digital group. The young age group does not provide enough leadership skills that might be needed due to inadequate work experience (Oude et al., 2016). As a result it is very difficult to get a candidate with both the qualifications on education and skills in the new technological issues to replace the old who are closing to their retirement age. Unavailability of face to face communication According to a survey, 60% job applicants, 13% tend to assume to make the online job opportunity making inadequate applicants pool for the companies to choose from (Ladkin Buhalis, 2016). The study also observes that most of the e-commerce companies also still embrace the face-to-face interview process, therefore making the process of online interview tiresome as most of the applicants will be required to go through face to face interview process. Amazon Company making them faces a professional deficit (Banerjee, 2016). The company is confronted with a low level of qualified applicants for the announced vacancy. The high level of professional against the small market supply makes the recruitment a significant challenge as most of the picked staffs end up to be unskilled or unproductive that cause loss to the company at the end of the program. The untrained or the unproductive workers forces the company to go to extra miles of offering basic training that is costly. For successful employee recruitment, Amazon E-Commerce has to consider a number of strategies. The following are Strategies that can be used by Amazon to address the challenges faced during the staff's recruitment; Retention and motivation Employee retention is the ability of an organization to retain its employees through proper strategies to ensure that they stay for longer time (Bais, 2012). The employee retention helps the organizations from carrying out frequent recruitments hence avoids extra costs of training and the challenges that might be experienced (Parveen Maimani, 2015). If the new recruit has knowledge and skills deficiency that are required to perform the specified job, then training is essential to upgrade their knowledge and expertise to the minimum level required. Studies indicate that there are all kinds of human capital obsolescence that occur in organizations and always lower the labor market participation and productivity of the same staffs (Baek Cho, 2013). The unavailability of the recruit in the market might be due to some factors such as the large geographical area and the economic disadvantages forcing the human resource manager to land to the under skilled. Due to the continuous changing technology in the globe, college recruitment is one of better ways of doing recruitment, development and retention for the new digital organizations (Collins, 2016). It is advantageous as the organization representative can screen the students and create a good technical applicants pool that is technologically oriented. The company should concentrate on recruiting the college students that offers internship programs that may provide the organization with quality employees at a low cost per hire. According to research, concentrating on the employee development, training and motivation eventually increase the commitment and the production of the organization (Mikkelsen et al., 2015). A motivated employee tends to work hard, and to the best with satisfaction and may not opt of looking for another job opportunity since the working environment will be to their satisfaction. The employee's retention though has become more heightened; it is the best way to save more employees the stress of losing the best-skilled staffs and going the importance of looking a replacement. Job assessment Before every firm does recruitment, proper job assessments should always be carried to help in identifying the skills and competencies required for the position (Wright, 2017). The process can always be time-consuming and expensive exercises as most of the small companies tend to concentrate on the formal qualifications. The process will impact the number of people that are available for a particular job and focus on the quality rather than quantity creating a natural ground on selecting the best candidate (Sawny Ladkoo, 2015). The quality recruited staffs will not require much training and development hence Amazon E-Commerce will have a reduced cost on that. Proper Valid search Engines The Amazon E-Commerce should use appropriate, legitimate search engines such as Google, Yahoo, HotBot, and GO.com that can sort out candidates actually without discriminating against any persons or groups(Suwala, 2013). The proper search engine will ensure that Amazon gets the full list of all applicants and screen them to get the proper list of the potential candidates that will not pose more cost on training and develop them after the appointment. The proper search engines and well developed video calls will protect help in conducting online interview that is personalized; hence the employees have better hand to select the best candidate for the job. Organization brand and culture Studies show that branding attracts best talents in the labor supply since many people just long to work in such organization. As a result, there will be always a large pool of applicants that the company is ready to chose from incase of any need reducing the challenges faced during recruitment (Jarventie et al., 2011). Amazon being a new organization that is technologically oriented should aim at strengthening the brand and improving the culture that is comfortable with the society. Many diverse groups are still conservative in their ways of living even though there is constant technological growth, as many old and experienced managers are not well conversant with the social media platforms. It is therefore critical for Amazon to embrace and coach culture to attract the future to Conclusion From the study, employees are the fundamental basics of an organization and proper selection will ensure continuity of the success. Many developing digital organizations such as Amazon, faces more recruitment challenges than other traditional forms of organizations such as Hospitality Industry due underdeveloped skills and knowledge among the workforce. The appointment of such employees poses the company to spend more money in conducting training. Some companies are experiencing constant growth of workers mainly because they have practiced the art of retention, motivation, awarding and promotion for a long-term stay of the workers; this saves them the stress of doing various recruitments. During the hiring, the human and resource department should take the process carefully, and should always determine whether to do it internally or externally, where the internal recruitment overrides the external due to the already built technological know-how, skills, and the organizational culture . Through that, Amazon and many others will cut down the cost of training. References Al-Kassem, A. (2017). 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International Public Management Journal, 20(2), 183-205. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10967494.2015.1043166 Mnstermann, B., Eckhardt, A., Weitzel, T. (2010). The performance impact of business process standardization. Business Process Management Journal, 16(1), 29-56. https://dx.doi.org/10.1108/14637151011017930 Oude Mulders, J., Henkens, K., Liu, Y., Schippers, J., Wang, M. (2016). Managerss Interview Decisions About Older Job Applicants: Effects of Human Capital-Related Characteristics, General Economic Conditions, and Changes in Job Demands. SSRN Electronic Journal. https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2835323 Parveen, M., Maimani, K. (2015). Quality of Work Life: The Determinants of Job Satisfaction and Job Retention among RNs and OHPs. International Journal Of Emergency Mental Health And Human Resilience, 18(2). https://dx.doi.org/10.4172/1522-4821.1000327 Sawmy, T., Damar-Ladkoo, A. (2015). Wholesale And Retail E-Commerce In Mauritius: Views Of Customers And Employees. 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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Teenager challenges Essays - Health, Health Promotion, Personal Life

Nowadays, it is clearly to realize the significant change in the world?s development. Following that also occurs a new generation which is totally different from old generations. There are a lot of changes in teenagers such as change in thinking, lifestyle. Moreover, the generation have a lot of pressure on them from variable factors. The old generation also have a lot of hard challenges when they were teenagers. In fact, the teenagers have to face a lot of new challenges which create a lot of problems for them in modern world. Those problems can be called as teen stress. This essay will discuss the challenges and difficulties of teenagers in today?s society compare to their parents challenges when they were teenagers. There are a lot of various factors which affect teenagers both negatively and positively today?s society. Moreover, there are also a lot of changes within teenagers such as physical and mental changes. A lot of the changes and society?s factors can become negative impacts on teenagers which also cause stress for them. Teen stress is similar to the adult stress in terms of the signs and symptoms, but the causes of teen stress are totally different. There are problems everywhere for teenagers such as problems at home with their parents and siblings, problems in the school with their friends and education. There are a lot of physical and emotional changes occur during teen period, which are very significant in the shaping person. Firstly, the physical changes include increasing in the weight and height and development secondary sexual characters. Comparing to teenagers? parents, the physical changes of most teenagers can surpass the parents. Secondly, the metal changes include attraction towards opposite sex, aggressive behaviour, and feeling of independence and experimenting new things including substance of abuse. Metal changes can be the main impact on teen stress, because most of teen stress comes from teen?s attitude, thinking and feeling. There are many surveys shows that one third of the teenagers suffer at least one episode of stress every week and they also estimated that teenagers suffer stress about 20% of the total population. Through stress has the same kind of response in all the age groups, but the stress factors are different. Stress teens could be due to pubertal changes, changing relationship with peers, new demands in the school, safety issues in their neighbourhood, responsibilities to their families, separation or divorce of parent, illnesses or death of a loved one. As there are too many of different factors, but the most of teens stress are from school work, parents, romantic relationships, sibling and problems with friends. In addition, there are other serious factors of modern world. As the developed world, the entertainment is also developed rapidly and that leads to a lot of social temptations. Teenagers are easily addicted to computer games, drugs and smoking. Those are one of the hard challenges teenagers have to face. The impacts of teen stress on teenagers are dangerous, because they create extremely effects on mentality and physical health. Surveys show that the rate of suicide of teenager has increased and it is at the high rate nowadays. A lot of causes are due to depressed stress. This is an evidence shows that the hardness of the challenges for teenagers. Parents also had to face a lot of challenges and they could be financial problems, poor entertaining condition, and poor technology. But they did not take a lot of stress as much as their children. The fact that the parents difficulties were totally different from teenager?s, but the rate of stress of teenagers are much higher than in the past. Result of surveys above makes great evidence. Moreover, in developed world the conflict between parents and children are also increasing. This is also one of biggest factors that lead their children into heavy depressions as parent usually put heavy pressure on children?s studies or strictness. As most parent nowadays think that studies and strictness are the best way to educate their children, but sometimes they are overloaded. The consequence could be boredom of school, depression and sometimes it could lead to the uses of drugs, alcohol. Those are some cases that stress can lead to illegal activities. Teenagers in today?s society