Tuesday, December 24, 2019

So Mexicans Are Taking Jobs From Americans By Jimmy...

Jimmy Santiago Baca wrote the poem, â€Å"So Mexicans are Taking Jobs from Americans,† in 1977. Baca wrote this piece while incarcerated in prison, there he learned how to read a write. Since the early 1900’s America saw an extreme increase in the amount of Mexicans crossing the border. Although most have a good intention of coming to America, the road to the â€Å"dream† is paved with many hardships. In America currently we see an influx of Mexicans crossing the border, the effect of this occurrence however, might be the true controversy. After seeking residence to stay afloat Mexicans must find some source of income, but they may unintentionally be causing more and more Americans too loose out on jobs. Still, are these jobs we want? The ease of the risk of crossing the border raises eyebrows for many living in the States; maybe Mexicans are not the only to blame in this society. Through an extensive use of imagery, Baca strengthens his underlying theme; every s ituation has multiple viewpoints. Baca’s poem criticizes the way in which Americans treat immigrant workers. The first stanzas of the poem discuss how Americans perceive Mexicans. Then in the fifth stanza an asthmatic leader describes Mexicans as â€Å"taking our jobs.† The poem goes on to say the only violence imposed is by the whites, and that Mexicans are too poor and weak to truly pose any threat. Near the end the poet describes the Americans as comfortable, where as the Mexicans struggle to barely get by. The final stanzaShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of So Mexicans are Taking Jobs from Americans by Jimmy Santiago Baca 912 Words   |  4 PagesSo Mexicans are Taking Jobs from Americans In â€Å"So Mexicans are Taking Jobs from Americans,† Jimmy Santiago Baca defends and shuts down the stereotype of Mexican workers. Many Americans hold resentment towards Mexicans presence in the work force, and believe that they are taking jobs away. However, many Americans don’t realize that these Mexican workers fill jobs that others do not want and are usually paid less than an American would be paid. In the beginning of the poem Baca addresses the AmericanRead MoreSo Mexicans Are Taking Jobs From Americans By Jimmy Santiago Baca Summary1289 Words   |  6 PagesIn â€Å"So Mexicans are Taking Jobs from Americans,† Jimmy Santiago Baca defends Mexicans against the opinion many Americans have about them filling in jobs they do not want such as hard-working labor in the fields. However, many Americans don’t realize that these Mexican workers are usually paid less than an American would be paid. In the beginning of the poem Baca addresses the American ste reotype of Mexicans taking jobs from Americans in a very sarcastic manner. He continues by saying that MexicansRead MoreEssay about When Are Immigrants Americans Too?580 Words   |  3 Pagesthe reasons Immigrants come to America. I will also discuss both their views of themselves and how Americans view them. The question I pose to answer throughout this paper is When will Immigrants not be Immigrants anymore and become Americans? So why do people come to America from other countries? Hugo Ortega, arrived in Texas in 1982 from Mexico. He worked his way from dishwashing jobs and briefly living on the streets to being named Chef of the Year at the 2002 Houston Culinary AwardsRead MoreEssay on Short Stories and Poetry2319 Words   |  10 PagesRobinson’s tragic poem â€Å"Richard Cory† (p. 1073). â€Å"Richard Cory† is about a man who the whole town admires, is seen as a total gentleman and is exceedingly wealthy. The poem is told, like â€Å"A Rose for Emily,† from the point of view of the townspeople. When reading â€Å"Richard Cory† the reader can become so closely involved in the poem that he or she becomes one of the townspeople. Robinson’s use of first person compels the reader to feel the admiration of the townspeople when they see Richard Cory, their misery

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