Sunday, December 1, 2019

Teenager challenges Essays - Health, Health Promotion, Personal Life

Nowadays, it is clearly to realize the significant change in the world?s development. Following that also occurs a new generation which is totally different from old generations. There are a lot of changes in teenagers such as change in thinking, lifestyle. Moreover, the generation have a lot of pressure on them from variable factors. The old generation also have a lot of hard challenges when they were teenagers. In fact, the teenagers have to face a lot of new challenges which create a lot of problems for them in modern world. Those problems can be called as teen stress. This essay will discuss the challenges and difficulties of teenagers in today?s society compare to their parents challenges when they were teenagers. There are a lot of various factors which affect teenagers both negatively and positively today?s society. Moreover, there are also a lot of changes within teenagers such as physical and mental changes. A lot of the changes and society?s factors can become negative impacts on teenagers which also cause stress for them. Teen stress is similar to the adult stress in terms of the signs and symptoms, but the causes of teen stress are totally different. There are problems everywhere for teenagers such as problems at home with their parents and siblings, problems in the school with their friends and education. There are a lot of physical and emotional changes occur during teen period, which are very significant in the shaping person. Firstly, the physical changes include increasing in the weight and height and development secondary sexual characters. Comparing to teenagers? parents, the physical changes of most teenagers can surpass the parents. Secondly, the metal changes include attraction towards opposite sex, aggressive behaviour, and feeling of independence and experimenting new things including substance of abuse. Metal changes can be the main impact on teen stress, because most of teen stress comes from teen?s attitude, thinking and feeling. There are many surveys shows that one third of the teenagers suffer at least one episode of stress every week and they also estimated that teenagers suffer stress about 20% of the total population. Through stress has the same kind of response in all the age groups, but the stress factors are different. Stress teens could be due to pubertal changes, changing relationship with peers, new demands in the school, safety issues in their neighbourhood, responsibilities to their families, separation or divorce of parent, illnesses or death of a loved one. As there are too many of different factors, but the most of teens stress are from school work, parents, romantic relationships, sibling and problems with friends. In addition, there are other serious factors of modern world. As the developed world, the entertainment is also developed rapidly and that leads to a lot of social temptations. Teenagers are easily addicted to computer games, drugs and smoking. Those are one of the hard challenges teenagers have to face. The impacts of teen stress on teenagers are dangerous, because they create extremely effects on mentality and physical health. Surveys show that the rate of suicide of teenager has increased and it is at the high rate nowadays. A lot of causes are due to depressed stress. This is an evidence shows that the hardness of the challenges for teenagers. Parents also had to face a lot of challenges and they could be financial problems, poor entertaining condition, and poor technology. But they did not take a lot of stress as much as their children. The fact that the parents difficulties were totally different from teenager?s, but the rate of stress of teenagers are much higher than in the past. Result of surveys above makes great evidence. Moreover, in developed world the conflict between parents and children are also increasing. This is also one of biggest factors that lead their children into heavy depressions as parent usually put heavy pressure on children?s studies or strictness. As most parent nowadays think that studies and strictness are the best way to educate their children, but sometimes they are overloaded. The consequence could be boredom of school, depression and sometimes it could lead to the uses of drugs, alcohol. Those are some cases that stress can lead to illegal activities. Teenagers in today?s society

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