Friday, May 1, 2020

Fundamental of Investing Case Study of Mr.A

Question: Describe about the Fundamental of Investing, a case study of Mr. A? Answer: Introduction In the current investment market scenario, investment is a procedure that helps the people to mobilise their savings. In the current case study, Mr.A has retired from it MNC firm for which he has been compensate him with SGD 350000. Since then MR. A is looking for investment opportunities in order to multiply his savings for the future return (Brentani, 2004). There are several offers has been given by the several companies from mutual fund companies to real investment to investment in energy related asset. The study will take through the various risk and return phase in the present investment options. Supply and Demand Analysis Mr. A is considering the Michael offers to invest in energy. The price of the oil has been increased has been increased rapidly. The Singapore is one of the premier hub of oil and gas which is valuable sectors that contributes more than 5% of Singapore GDP (Fanchi Fanchi, 2013). Apart from that, National energy policy report of 2007 shows that, growth in the energy is sector is higher than any other investment. As per the report of SP, in 2015, Singapore oil and gas sector will be grow with SGD 1.47 billion. Apart from that , investment in various mutual fund portfolio like equity, insurance and debt and bonds are some of the major investment areas. Since, the Ms. Kelly has asked the Mr.A to invest SGD 100,000 in their business which will give return of nearly 8-12% per annum (Goldstein Razin, 2002). The demand of shares and equity is been rising but there is higher risk because of 2008 market crash. Moreover, the demand for the real estate is in Singapore as per the Singapore land authority is higher but due to housing bubble in 2008 has been one of the major drawback of pricing of the pretty has been increased since 2008. But the rumor has it that, it will be bounce back in 2016 (Kaminsky, Lyons Schmukler, 2001). Investor Profiling Since Mr.A is very much Non aggressive and looking for long term returns. Investor portfolio as per the Singapore market Investment profiling for Mr. A Total investment % Total amount SGD (Total amount in cash1.5 million) Equity 5% 7500 Bond 20% 30,000 Insurance 25% 37500 Investment in energy sector 50% 75000 Real Estate 20% 30,000 Graph 1: Investor profiling (Source: Abdul karim Fleming, 2012, pp-220) Life cycle Energy sector is one of the inflation protected securities sector which has been growing since 2005. Apart from that, government bonds are non taxable income against the inflations change. Investment profiling for Mr. A Years of investment Return in % Return of investment Equity 2 years 18% 8850 Bond 3years 50% 45000 Insurance 10 years 10.5% 41437.5 Investment in energy sector 3 years 12% 84000 Real Estate 5 years 20% 36000 From the above , it has been found that , life cycle of the investment shows that, Mr.A will have greater return on investment from insurance , bon sand energy sector because of high invest are made in these portfolios (Wu, 2012). Legal framework and Ethics As per the legal framework SFA (Securities and future act) and the financial advisors act 110 has set the regulations for entering into the capital market of Singapore. Market intermediaries those have CMSL capital market licensing are under the act of administrated by the MAS. A person who is looking to trade in these areas needed to be manage need to have the authorization from these houses for equity and bond market (Nelken, 2006). As per the given report, SGX have more than 1110 market intermediaries under the MAS. The companies act 50 deals with the entire company related stock market from incorporating to winding up. Ethical trading While conducting trade within the capital market or investing in the capital market, SGX follows some set of norms: No sharing of company internal information (insider trading) Taking the fair brokerage prices from the every single customer. Fair and equal means opportunity for every investors (Kaminsky, Lyons Schmukler, 2001). No coercion and forcing to customers to invest in any form of investment Risk and Return Capital market: Investment in capital market has been growing as per the SGX report since 1999. The growth in equity, bond and insurance are some of the major growing market is more than 12% per annum. However, there is risk associated with the share and bond market is higher because of the uncertainty and non guaranteed areas (Goldstein Razin, 2005). Real estate: Real Estate market is open of the growing market as per the global property guide .com. however, during the 2012, the Singapore housing and land cost is bubble burst because it is decrease of 0.7% in third quarter is one of the major areas of concern (Akiba Iida, 2004). Investment in energy sector: Investment in energy sector is one of the better investment opportunities for the investors because the return is more than 3% of total GDP . There is high chances of gaining the higher return (Bellace, 2014). However, forming cartel by the OPEC nation and reform laws are one of the major loopholes areas that can increase the price of oil. Time value of money For the chosen the investment patter shows that, equity market would give higher return with 8-12% in SGD. With help of NPV , the entire investment of Mr. A will analysed (Cartier, 1998). This will help the Mr.A to choose the best options viable for him. Investment profiling for Mr. A Years of investment Return in % Return of investment Equity 2 years 18% 8850 Bond 3years 50% 45000 Insurance 10 years 10.5% 41437.5 Investment in energy sector 3 years 12% 84000 Real Estate 5 years 20% 36000 Equity :NPV=-150000 + 8850 /1.18 +8850/(1.39) =-150000 + 7500+6367 =-136133 Bond : -150000 +45000/1.5+ 45000/2.25+ 45000/3.37 = -150000 + 30000+ 20,000 + 13353 =-88647 From the above, it has been found that, time value of money for the each of the investment would be different each other. The Reason for taking 1$ today rather than at some point of time because the dollar received today can be invested to make more money in future (Chua Chou, 2010). Apart from that, saving today allows to earn interest on their saving of 1$ which will give higher return in future. Analysis of different investment Investment in capital market: Investment is capital is one of the most prominent way to increase the investment. However, MR. A has to keep track of the every invested money that has been invested in the separate mutual funds including bonds, insurance , equity , foreign stocks and foreign currencies (Fu Jennen, 2008). Investment in real estate market: Investment in real estate market in the Singapore is current not worth because of housing bubble scenarios is going to burst (Lecomte Ooi, 2012). Although the Mr.Lawrance promises to pay more than 20% of the return but the chances of losing the money is higher. Investment in Energy sector: As per the given report, company Z Michael promise the return would be more than 3% growth at every quarter which is one of the lucrative investment. However, these energy sector are very much under government regulations norms which is gain very risky for more than 1 year of investment (Tu, Ong Han,2008). Money market: Other major areas of investment would be money market where the bond is purchase for less than six month and return are fixed guaranteed by the public sector banks. Analysis different investment Proposal From the above analysis, the chosen investment area for Mr. A is capital market and investment in energy and retail sector. Energy sector: Energy sector companies like AD TEK Pty Ltd and EZRA holdings of Singapore has growth of more than 23% from next year (, 2015). Mr.Micheal has made right kind of offer which helps the Mr.A to gain the double the present investment. Rest, mutual funds and real estate is also booming industry but investment in the land and real estate can be very much risky because of the growth rate of the company is decreasing every year by 2.3% which can creates housing bubble (,. 2015). On the other hand, investing mutual funds would increase the investment with growth of more than 9.05% approximately. Recommendations Credit risk: Credit risk for energy sector Credit risk in energy sector of Singapore Percent (%) Too much of borrowing 8.3% Weak statements 22.67% Poor previous record of energy sector 17.3% Total debt 5.2% Method of operation: Energy sector in Singapore uses multi attribute utility theory (MAUT) which help the industry or companies to convert the utility into total quantity. There are various trends within the energy sector of Singapore such as wholesale trading, pricing volatility , real time pricings and environmental regulations and advance technology (, 2015). Major profit are coming from the whole selling of the products to the offshore companies and in ASEAN region. The guarantee: The investment in energy sector is very much has higher return which is backed by the EMA (Energy market authority). Energy market authority is very is regulatory bodies that promise to protect the interest of investors (Tu, Ong Han,2008). Energy sector: Investment in energy sector would helps the Mr. A to fund their children higher education along with pay the net and taxes of his monthly expenditure (Fu Jennen, 2008). Conclusion From the above study, it has been found that, Mr.A has various option for investment. Investing mutual fund will help the Mr. A to gain the ROI with 8-12 % per annum. Apart from that investment in real estate will give the Mr.A return worth of 20%. Lastly investment in energy sector would help the Mr.A to gain more than 20% of growth. However, there is risk in mutual fund because of the recent recession. Moreover , there is huge risk in investing in the real estate where the chances of housing bubble is higher as per the SGX report. Reference List Books Brentani, C. (2004). Portfolio management in practice. Oxford [England]: Burlington, MA. Fanchi, J., Fanchi, J. (2013). Energy in the 21st century. Singapore: World Scientific. Goldstein, I., Razin, A. (2002). 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