Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Quintessential Kelly Essay Sample free essay sample

Andrew Kelly has been employed by the Wearever Tire and Rubber Company for more than 25 old ages. Kelly is. despite his long service. merely 43 old ages of age. He began employment in the mail room right after high school. received several publicities. and was. at the age of 21 transferred to the recognition section. Kelly has been at that place of all time since and is now the senior employee in the section of 60 people. Kelly is the quintessential â€Å"valuable employee. † His trueness to the company has neer wavered or been questioned. His attending and promptness records are virtually without defect. He is a consistent worker. though. â€Å"no mastermind. † and has efficient work wonts that merely old ages of service bring to a adult male of his kind. Kelly is friendly but non gregarious. He makes no moving ridges. and when he sees a job. he takes attention of it without remark. We will write a custom essay sample on Quintessential Kelly Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Kelly was frequently portrayed by his supervisors and co-workers as a â€Å"good soldier. † Robert Bennington. who had been recognition director for 26 old ages. has announced his retirement. Management is now faced with the job of choosing his replacing. This is no easy undertaking since Bennington and Kelly have been good friends for many old ages. The retiring director has. as would be expected. recommended that his friend Kelly replace him. Top direction. nevertheless. long ago pegged Kelly as â€Å"not good direction stuff. † While the people who originally rated Kelly have long since retired. the present direction merely believes Kelly is non aggressive plenty to be the effectual leader of 59 other workers. Furthermore. a younger adult male with five old ages of experience in recognition has caught management’s oculus. Mike Fitzmaurice is 30 old ages old and â€Å"looks similar direction stuff. † Too. he outclasses Kelly in instruction with an accounting grade from a outstanding school of concern. along with some extra work toward an MBA. From the start. Fitzmaurice has been a Wearever â€Å"junior executive† in the company’s preparation plan. He appears to do up for his limited experience with thrust and originality. Peoples atWearever seem to believe he can â€Å"go far. † Top direction would wish to advance Fitzmaurice to the place of recognition director but frights that the senior employee. Kelly. might be so pained that his effectivity as a hard-working employee would be diminished. There is besides an component of management’s looking thankless for Kelly’s old ages of service. Other employees might come to believe that service counts for nil. Wearever. like many other big houses. has rewarded worker length of service with a bundle of benefits. inducements and frequently publicity. The retirement of the recognition director has forced the issue. Wearever must now make up ones mind on old dependable Kelly. or the bright fledgling Fitzmaurice. Case Questions: 1. Should the company promote Kelly on the footing of senior status and dependability. What are the hazards if it does? What are the hazards if it doesn’t? 2. What options exist beyond the simple Kelly-or-Fitzmaurice pick?

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